Automated solutions can extend beyond the home to benefit your business, too. While these technologies used to be considered out-of-reach luxuries, their implementation is becoming an essential and cost-effective solution for a thriving office culture. Your office can benefit from a refresh plan that replaces outdated technology to equip you with the tools you need to thrive. Here are several ways ABF Security can streamline your office operations.
Security System & Alarms
When focusing on securing your business, you can’t forget the small details necessary to keep your office safe. Alarm systems are a reliable way to protect your property and employees from harm. When smoke or heat detectors trigger fire or life safety alarms, the system automatically notifies the appropriate authorities. When time is of the essence, a quick response time is critical in determining the future of your business.
Surveillance Cameras
When entering the premises, visitors must see CCTV cameras. Not only do the cameras capture a record of anyone entering or exiting the building, but visible cameras can deter criminal activity. Well-placed cameras can also track movement inside and outside your building. Adding motion detectors on windows, doors, and other vulnerable areas will cover what your cameras can’t reach. When one of the cameras or sensors notices suspicious activity, you will receive a notification immediately. Connecting the system to your network can even allow you to access recorded footage and view live activity from any computer in the building.
Nurse Call Systems
Nurse call systems are the heartbeat of assisted living facilities and nursing homes. Residents who need assistance in their rooms or restrooms can pull on a string or push a device to call the nurse. From the nurse call command center, nurses can determine which room the resident is in that needs help and quickly respond to their needs. We offer incredibly advanced systems with functionality to help you provide superior care to your patients.

Fire Alarms
Fire alarm systems are one of the most recommended systems by ABF Security consultants. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has codes and regulations for various building structures. We build alarm systems to detect fire and life safety emergencies and protect your employees and property. Our staff will help ensure your property remains current with all the relevant codes and regulations. Let our team design, install, monitor, and inspect your fire alarm system.
Clock Systems
Time is the building block in every type of organization. In most cases, companies run off a schedule where a synchronized timeline is vital. A school clock system offers many advantages for administrators, teachers, and students, as it controls the bell schedules. Other organizations, like banks or hospitals, use clock systems to maintain a consistent operating time and track timezone differences. ABF Security can design and program clock systems for any organization.
Mass Notification Systems
You can use mass communication systems to send emergency alerts and information to people via a PA system, email, text message, or phone call. It is the most effective way to reach people immediately. A mass notification system can reduce the likelihood of accidents, mitigate damage and emergencies, help increase productivity, and maintain employee safety. The NFPA is beginning to require some form of mass notification for different building types.
Access Control
If workers need to reach confidential areas of the building, it’s easy to incorporate access control solutions. Whether your workers use cards or keypads to grant them entrance into this high-security area, wondering eyes won’t see information or products that could leave your business vulnerable to theft. Access control systems also regulate the people coming and going by utilizing auto-locking doors or auto-closing gates.

Energy Management
Transform your business into an environmentally friendly space by preserving precious resources like energy, water, and time. Energy management allows you to integrate your systems, such as HVAC, lighting, security, and entertainment, ensuring they communicate and work together. Your new eco-friendly business will utilize efficient energy management with little waste, whether you are at work or away.
Commercial New Construction
There’s no need to continue your search for qualified staff. We can handle your commercial new construction project so you can focus on the other things that matter to you. Our team at ABF Security has skilled low-voltage designers and programmers, as well as NICET-level fire alarm designers, programmers, and service technicians. ABF has project managers to help electricians understand all aspects of installing all low-voltage protection we design.
Here at ABF Security, we design systems to meet your unique needs and enhance the capabilities of your office environment, including security and fire alarms, communications, energy management, and construction. We can help you design and install a system that elevates your experience and increases the value of your business. Contact us today to set your business apart!